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What is RPL? (Recognition of prior learning)

What is RPL?

Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) is a process recognising an individual’s existing skills and knowledge towards the achievement of a nationally recognised qualification or statement of attainment.

Skills may have been gained through:

  • Work experience
  • Formal training and education (you may be eligible for a credit transfer)
  • Informal training and education
  • General life experience
  • Voluntary work

Do you have skills and knowledge relating to the qualification you want to study? why not apply for RPL?

What is RPL?

How does RPL apply to me?

Each qualification is made up of units of study. To gain RPL, you will need to demonstrate the required skills and knowledge to meet the criteria required in each of the unit of competency.

Do you have the experience and knowledge? why not apply today?

Recognition of prior learning is an assessment only pathway which includes:

  • Your existing skills and knowledge which can be counted toward your qualification or unit/s of competency
  • You must provide the relevant evidence to support your existing skills and knowledge
  • You only need to undertake the units where you are not able to demonstrate your skills and knowledge
  • Your course costs may be reduced
  • You can use your time more effectively
  • You could finish your course sooner

If you would like additional information on how RPL can benefit you, please contact us for a free consultation on 08 6373 5183 or send us a message.

How do I apply for Recognition of prior learning?

The first step is our initial assessment for RPL, you can send all your information through to info@vortexeducation.com.au and provide the following documents:

  • Up to date resume outlining your work history, skills and knowledge
  • Evidence of previous work, projects or similar
  • Transcripts of qualifications completed
  • Any professional development, training you have attended

Please keep in mind that this will be an initial assessment only. The actual number of units for RPL may increase or decrease throughout the RPL process. This will depend on your prior skills and knowledge.

Recognition of prior learning is an assessment process that involves assessment of an individual’s relevant prior learning (including formal, informal and non-formal learning) to determine the credit outcomes of an individual application for credit

“Definition as per the AQF

According to the Department of Training and Workforce Development (Western Australia) Recognition of Prior Learning is explained below.

Recognition of prior learning (RPL) is defined in the AQF as follows:
Recognition of prior learning is an assessment process that involves assessment of an individual’s relevant prior learning (including formal, informal and non-formal learning) to determine the credit outcomes of an individual application for credit.

Recognition of prior learning explained
The AQF facilitates the progression of students through qualifications by giving credit for learning outcomes they already have achieved. Credit outcomes may allow for entry into a qualification and/or provide credit towards the qualification.
Credit given may reduce the time required for a student to achieve the qualification.
RPL is one of a number of processes for establishing credit or advanced standing. RPL broadens access into formal learning by enabling credit to be given for student achievement though other formal, non-formal or informal learning.
RPL involves issuing organisations undertaking an assessment of each individual who applies to determine the extent to which that individual’s previous learning is equivalent to the learning outcomes of the components of the destination qualification.
