Be fully prepared for your Schedule 26 Statutory Supervisor DMIRS Exam.
At Vortex Education we have developed an in-depth preparation course, giving you the best opportunity to prepare for your DMIRS Statutory Supervisor exam.

Why undertake the Schedule 26 Statutory Supervisor DMIRS Exam preparation course with Vortex Education?
Statutory Supervisor Preparation Course.
Schedule 26 Statutory Supervisor DMIRS Exam preparation course
Vortex Education's Schedule 26 Statutory Supervisor DMIRS Exam preparation course covers the key aspects of your exam, giving you the preparation you need to succeed.
Our DMIRS schedule 26 preparation course covers:
- Background to the legislative framework for WHS Legislative framework in Australia and WA
- WHS Act, Regulations, Codes of Practice and Guidance Materials
- Who is responsible for WHS? Duty of care
- The risk management process Types of workplace hazards Hazard identification methods
- Recording and reporting workplace hazards Risk assessment
- Risk control
- Practicability of control measures Hierarchy of risk control measures
- Monitoring and review of risk control measures Risk management tools
- Preparing for an inspection Conducting the inspection
- Inspection follow up Incidents and accidents Incident investigation
- Immediate causes and underlying causes Root cause analysis techniques
- Penalties and WHS infringements.
Our Statutory Supervisor exam preparation course is run online, you have the ability to undertake the complete course in your own time.
Vortex Education can help you through your exam.
Statutory Supervisor DMIRS exam information.
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Schedule 26 Statutory Supervisor Course FAQ's
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Part 10.7A of the Work Health and Safety (Mines) Regulations 2022 [WHS (Mines) Regulations] prescribes positions in relation to mines. These statutory positions are appointed by the mine operator to carry out specific functions in relation to the operations of a mine.
Statutory positions are classified in several categories, with different functions and obligations, and levels of knowledge, experience and formal qualifications for the appointed persons, with some positions requiring statutory certificates
The Schedule 26 Statutory Supervisor Course offers study credits through the Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL), transferring formal qualifications in recognition of the skills you have already gained through your life, work and other study.
If you would like to commence the RPL pathway please contact us.
There are five key statutory positions:
- site senior executive
- exploration manager
- underground manager (non-coal) if the mine is an underground non-coal mine
- underground manager (coal) if the mine is an underground coal mine
- quarry manager if required under the WHS Mines Regulations (Schedule 26, clause 14).
Only one person at a time may be appointed to a key statutory position, however the mine operator must ensure there are sufficient appropriate persons appointed as alternates to temporarily carry out the position’s functions in the person’s place when required.
A person appointed to a key statutory position for a mine may be appointed to a statutory position for another mine if the regulator considers it appropriate and approves the appointment.
Looking to under take Schedule 26 training in Perth?
Contact Vortex Education today.
For mines where a levy is payable under the Mines Safety and Inspection Act 1994, a statutory supervisor must be appointed for each:
- laboratory
- processing plant
- quarry
- workshop
- place where the mine operator considers the position necessary to reduce the risks to health and safety associated with mining operations.
A person is eligible to be appointed as a statutory supervisor for a place at a mine if the person:
- works for at least 2 years as a supervisor or worker in a similar operation or industry that the mine is engaged in; and
- successfully completes an approved WHS risk management unit for statutory supervisors; and
- passes an applicable legislation examination for statutory supervisors.
The eligibility criteria for statutory positions, including the competency requirements to be met before a person may be appointed to a position, are listed in regulations 675ZI(1) for site senior executive and 675ZM(1) for exploration manager, and Schedule 26 of the WHS Mines Regulations for the remaining statutory positions.
Contact Vortex Education for your Schedule 26 training in Perth - Online or face to face.
As a Statutory Supervisor you will oversee elevated levels of risk within your work area. This course ensures you receive a comprehensive and well-rounded knowledge base, directly relevant to the role and responsibilities of supervisors in the mining sector.
This course (WHS for Statutory Supervisors - Perth) covers two Units of Competency, which meet the WorkSafe requirements under Schedule 26 of the WHS (Mines) Regulations (WA) 2022:
- BSBWHS411 – Implement and monitor WHS policies, procedures and programs
- BSBWHS414 – Contribute to WHS risk management.
As well as completing the two Units of Competency, there is also an examination component that Statutory Supervisors are required to pass. This is managed by the Department of Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety (DMIRS)
Vortex Education will take care of your Schedule 26 training in Perth.
WHS for Statutory Supervisors - Perth
Schedule 26 Course
Complete your Schedule 26 course with Vortex Education.